Friday, September 19, 2008
It was one hell of a way to spend a morning, but finally we could head for the airport. We found ourselves in a large hangar-like space, with doors leading to buses, and not a single indication of which door our flight was due to leave from. Instead a notice went up saying that THAT door was for the flight to XYZ, and everyone rushed to that exit to catch the bus. So you had to go round and round checking every door to see if it was your flight. The Traveller was in a panic, certain we would miss our plane. Ten minutes before the due time, a sign saying "Shiraz" finally appeared, and we joined the crush.
Of course, it took off on time, and we flew for about 2 hours down the length of Iran, with great mountains rearing out of the plains below us. As we came in to land, we swung down a long valley, rich with fields.
The ride into town was through avenues of trees, with irrigated lands on either side. Slowly it became more urban, and suddenly we were in the town proper. A busy street, a glimpse of a glazed dome, a desert castle, and we were at our hotel.
A quick freshening up, a delicious supper, and a stroll through the still-hot evening air along the Zand, with what seemed like half the citizens of Shiraz taking the air with us. We looked forward to a proper explore the next day.
As instructed, at the luggage carousel, we looked around for our pilot friend. Then, amongst all the luggage, an unlikely item appeared - a brown envelope. Everyone looked at it curiously - what sort of person would put an envelope in the hold? About the third time it passed us, the light dawned. It must be our torches, confiscated by security in Damascus. It was!
It was 2 a.m. when we finally emerged from immigration, and there, waiting patiently, was our driver. No, thank you, he was quite used to planes arriving at ridiculous hours. And yes, the time change really was 1½ hours. Iran has to be the only country in the world to be on a really different time zone. We later found out it had to do with getting the sun overhead at noon, for religious purposes.
When we finally surfaced, we were far too late for breakfast. We staggered out into the streets, but it soon became obvious that Tehran wasn't just closed for the day, it was shut up, sealed like a drum. We had chosen a Friday in the holy month of Ramazaan, and that was as good a religious holiday as anyone could wish.
Fortunately my friend in Tehran had an acquaintance who had a nice garden that might amuse the Traveller, who is particularly fond of nice gardens. And so we found our way through several layers of security to a large park in the centre of Tehran, which turned out to house the British Embassy. The Ambassador, Sir Geoffrey Adams, was kindness itself, and not only showed us round the garden:
Some of the buildings had been converted into a primary school for the benefit of the embassy staff; and some others now housed a German senior school. There was a certain bitter sweetness, that the British Embassy now hosted German scholars resident in Iran! A further sight was a crater where one of Saddam Hussein's SCUD rockets had landed in 1986, during the Iran-Iraq war. Did he really mean to hit a little piece of Britain?
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Then it was time to return back across the desert to Damascus, avoiding the turnings leading to Iraq along the way. The desert was bleak, and large areas were flat with mirages shimmering in the heat. We passed into mountainous regions, and about 300km after leaving Palmyra, dropped down to the plains leading into Damascus.
Damascus itself was a nightmare, with crowded highways and a sign that suddenly said "Airport" which appeared from nowhere. We drove like a Damascene, cutting across hurtling traffic as if it weren't there, and managed to make the off-ramp safely. A broad and comparatively empty highway led to the airport, and we drove round and round following signs saying "Rental Car Return" that led us back to where we had started. Back we went, and on the third attempt went down a lane that had a big "No Entry" sign, but it meant No Entry to ordinary cars - rental returns were welcome!
Then we had an adventure changing money, and a new $100 note turned out to be fake, but they didn’t throw us in jail.
Boarding via security led to the discovery that our small, high-powered torches, which we used to find our way through gloomy castles, were not allowed on board. They might be little bombs - security hadn’t seen such devices before. Fortunately the pilot managed to pick them up, and said quietly to us "Collect them with the luggage!" First lesson - Iran has severe sanctions, and lacks many modern gadgets. Second lesson - the ordinary citizens can’t stand the authorities, and will help each other to befuddle them.
The next surprise came when our flight was called. There had been a crowd of tiny but fat women in black chadors, the all-enveloping robes. With one accord they made a dash for the plane. Queue? Forget it. The queue gave way under a shoving, elbow-grinding, pinching mob of ferocious dames acting in concert. Later we were to find out they were almost certainly Kurds from the north of Iran, returning from a pilgrimage to the Syrian tomb of Fatima, Mohammed’s daughter. This was probably the first time they had flown - and we hoped it would be the last!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The monumental arches led off to official buildings. The steps on the pillars used to hold statues, most have which have been lost, but a few remain and are on show in the Museum. One of these arches led to the theatre, magnificently restored and a feature of a son e lumiere show on summer evenings:At the intersection of the main street with the principal side street is the tetrapylon, a formal fountain marking the junction. The pink columns are made of granite imported from Aswan in Egypt. How they travelled here is a mystery!
Turning back along the Roman Main Street, and trying to imagine what it would have been like when there were shopa on either side, we left Roman Palmyra and entered the Temple of Baal. This is the grand entrance:The holes in the walls used to hold keystones that locked the structure together and helped resist earthquakes - many have fallen out over the centuries. In the Temple, there were altars at each end. The Traveller sits in front of one, lost in contemplation:
Outside again, the figures at the base of the fluted columns give some idea of the scale of the whole:
We felt we had done enough walking for a while, so drove up to the Qal'at Ibn Ma'an, which was perched on a sloping, rocky outctop and seemed ready to slide into the depths at any moment. The view from the fortress was the most spectacular thing about it:
You can see the whole site, from the Temple of Baal in the distance, to the Roman highway curving below. There is also a good view of the palmery, stretching our across the desert. Individual trees belong to people living in Palmyra, and are passed on from one generation to the next.
Refreshed, we returned to the site and were promptly struck by the afternoon sandstorm:The tower graves are starting to disappear, and within minutes the tetrapylon had also gone, while we huddled under our umbrellas, nominally to keep the sun at bay. Within about 15 minutes a centimetre of sand had fallen, and it became clear how this huge city had become lost to the world. Once it had passed, the sky cleared, and we made our way to Diocletian's Camp, on the hillside near the tower graves:
A fine sunset. We were thoroughly ruined out, and returned to our hotel, a delicious supper, and dreams of past glory.