At lunch we reached the town of Kerak, dominated by a crusader castle. We found our way up through narrow streets, then crossed a deep moat to get into the castle. 
The stone-clad glacis was a formidable defense. The idea of climbing this while being bathed in hot oil was not attractive. Within the castle, there were buildings that had suffered the ravages of time and battle - this church still stood, some 800 years since it was last used:which was amazing when one thought of the earthquakes to which this region is prone. When you went deeper into the castle, you found even more remarkable structures. Under the church, for instance, was a mosque, built by the muslim conquerors:
Deeper still, there were wide, dark passageways leading to rooms lit by narrow slit windows that looked down, down down into the valley far below:
There was even a kitchen, with ovens and millstones and washing places, dusty but proably still functional if cleaned up. They used to feed over 2000 when under siege, as the Crusaders occasionally were.
Jordan, Palestine and Israel are tapping the fresh-water streams that feed into the Sea, and it is slowly becoming saltier and saltier.
Further up the coast we came to Sulimeyeh, a resort on the edge of the Dead Sea. We stayed in a fantasy hotel, with an "Arab village" theme of walkways and small courtyards, many with cooling fountains tinkling in their midst:
We felt we deserved a night of luxury after the donkeys of Petra!
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